Cheryl Langley continually strives to be a great piano instructor. She has taught piano for over 13 years. Growing up in a rural community, Cheryl was often asked to accompany solos, groups and choirs. In high school she competed at local and state levels. Cheryl loves playing for others and for her own enjoyment.
With a background in education her passion is in playing piano. Playing piano is one way to express the music we feel inside. As an instructor her goal is to teach students to express themselves musically. Currently she is pursuing an Elementary Piano Pedagogy Certificate at Mesa Community College.
Professionally, Cheryl belongs to the Music Teachers National Association and its affiliate Arizona Music Teachers Association. Locally, she is an active member of the Phoenix Music Teachers Association and serves on the board. Cheryl also belongs to the National Federation of Music Clubs in Arizona, currently serving as Secretary for the Phoenix Valley Club. Cheryl serves because she believes music uplifts and makes a community stronger. Giving students a chance to perform and share is important for growth and development in music.
Having recently moved to Scottsdale from Utah, Cheryl is looking forward to meeting new students! In her spare time she likes to spend time with her husband and two boys.